Track Detectors

C. Spark Chamber

In a spark chamber, incoming high-energy particles ionize the air or a gas between plates or wire grids that are kept alternately positively and negatively charged. Sparks jump along the paths of ionization and can be photographed to show particle tracks. In some spark-chamber installations, information on particle tracks is fed directly into electronic computer circuits without the necessity of photography. A spark chamber can be operated quickly and selectively. The instrument can be set to record particle tracks only when a particle of the type that the researchers want to study is produced in a nuclear reaction. This advantage is important in studies of the rarer particles; spark-chamber pictures, however, lack the resolution and fine detail of bubble-chamber pictures.

D. Scintillation Counter

The scintillation counter functions by the ionization produced by charged particles moving at high speed within certain transparent solids and liquids, known as scintillating materials, causing flashes of visible light (see Luminescence). The gases argon, krypton, and xenon produce ultraviolet light, and hence are used in scintillation counters. A primitive scintillation device, known as the spinthariscope, was invented in the early 1900s and was of considerable importance in the development of nuclear physics. The spinthariscope required, however, the counting of the scintillations by eye. Because of the uncertainties of this method, physicists turned to other detectors, including the Geiger-Müller counter. The scintillation method was revived in 1947 by placing the scintillating material in front of a photomultiplier tube, a type of photoelectric cell. The light flashes are converted into electrical pulses that can be amplified and recorded electronically.

Various organic and inorganic substances such as plastic, zinc sulfide, sodium iodide, and anthracene are used as scintillating materials. Certain substances react more favorably to specific types of radiation than others, making possible highly diversified instruments. The scintillation counter is superior to all other radiation-detecting devices in a number of fields of current research. It has replaced the Geiger-Müller counter in the detection of biological tracers (see Isotopic Tracer) and as a surveying instrument in prospecting for radioactive ores. It is also used in nuclear research, notably in the investigation of such particles as the antiproton (see Proton), the meson Elementary Particles, and the neutrino. One such counter, the Crystal Ball, has been in use since 1979 for advanced particle research, first at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and, since 1982, at the German Electron Synchrotron Laboratory (DESY) in Hamburg, Germany. The Crystal Ball is a hollow crystal sphere, about 2.1 m (7 ft) wide, that is surrounded by 730 sodium iodide crystals.


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